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This package collects workshop materials for Statistical Computing (MATH10093) at the University of Edinburgh 2021/22.

The tutorial documents are browsable online at

Contact Finn Lindgren, for information.

The package version number system is YearOfStudy.StudyWeek.MinorUpdate


You can install (and later upgrade) the package from GitHub with:

# If devtools isn't installed, first run install.packages("remotes")

If you want to view the vignette versions of the tutorials within RStudio, you need to add the build_vignettes argument:

remotes::install_github("finnlindgren/StatCompLab", build_vignettes = TRUE)


The most convenient way to access the tutorial documents is to run them in the Tutorial tab in the upper right part of RStudio. That allows you to see the tutorial text and code hints at the same as your code files, and while running code in the Console and viewing plots.

These alternative methods also allows viewing of the documents, but are less convenient; vignettes show up in the same space as the plots, and the run_tutorial blocks the Console window from being used to run code.

# To install the vignette versions, add build_vignettes=TRUE to the install_github() call above.
vignette(package = "StatCompLab") # List available vignettes
vignette("Tutorial01", "StatCompLab") # View a specific vignette
# The following method blocks the Console from running other code; better to use the Tutorials pane instead
available_tutorials("StatCompLab") # List available tutorials
run_tutorial("Tutorial01", "StatCompLab") # Run a specific tutorial